Monday 11 April 2011

La vuelta al Uruguay

Clic sobre el link para ver el video: La vuelta al mundo

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Candombe Music and its roots: the slavery in Uruguay

Beat the drums to feel candombe deeply inside!
Candombe was brought from Africa, every group has three different types of drums because each one produces its own sound: the CHICO is the little one, it has the most static rythm, the REPIQUE is middle sized, and its freedom enables sounds variety; the PIANO is the biggest, is the one giving the bass sound. This is the guiding drum. In some ocations it also made improvise the repique does. The drum (TAMBORIL)hang from the shoulder and it is very common to play it while walking. This kind of music came from the times when slaves were brought into Montevideo City when the Spanish Colonial Period.
In Plata River the principle activity was a comercial place, but Montevideo Port was declared the only harbour for bringing slaves in 1787. On that year the Philipins Real Company got the complete rights to do so; from here they were delivered mostly to Brasil (sugar cane) and Buenos Aires.
In Montevideo Colonial City into the wall was possible to see between home slaves who came to bed close to family members and had a better treatment than the other that had to live in other stablishment in countryside ranchs(estancias), and where given the hardest labors and lived in very difficult conditions.
The slavery started to be rejected by young people by the end of XVIII Century because it was contrary to the Human Rights and Citizen Declaration that was aproved by US and French Revolutions. In 1795 sixty slaves scaped and hidden in an island at Yi River. There they founded an Independed Republic called "Freedom, Equality, Fraternity" with the leadership of a man called Miguel.
Lots of black people joined Artigas Revolution in 1811, (our National Hero who fight against the Spaniard to get our Independence). In September 1825 the Florida Assembly decided and voted for a law of free birth. In 1837 forbide the slaves traffic , but the abolition came with the "Guerra Grande" (the Big War in 1842).
Montevideo government was needing soldiers for fighting against the soldiers who were siting the city then declared that everyone in age of doing it could join the Army.

Sunday 22 November 2009

Jewish Culture at Montevideo

Around 1910 there were sixty ashkenazy and sixty sefaradi families in Montevideo, was the first Jewish inmigration to Uruguay, the second one happened between the two World Wars,and the last one after the Holocaust. There is in Uruguay Sefaradi Jewish People, and also descendence from Germany,Poland,Lituania,Hungary,and some other Central Europe Countries . If you want I can give you a Heritage Jewish Culture City Tour in Montevideo.

Saturday 14 November 2009

What is the photo´s building?

This Building is Palacio Salvo, in front of Independencia Square, and it was inaugurated in 1928. His Architecht Palanti received the order of Salvo Brothers to construct a 100 mts high building.

It is 90 mts high, and it was the highest one in South America at this time. Was built for being an hotel but it never happend. In 1950 was sold like a condominium with it 370 apts. Here lived famous writers, painters, and another interesting people.

For constructing the bulding, desappear Cafe La Giralda , the place where Mattos Rodriguez played for first time in 1917 the Tango La Cumparsita.

This is a Post Card from my city, my charming Montevideo.

See it by yourself, I am here for showing you.....

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Datos Personales

Soy Psicóloga, con especialidad en Psicología Social de la Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Hace cinco años empece a desempeñarme como Guía de Turismo, donde mis conocimientos me son muy útiles para el trato con la gente. Me gusta organizar los Tours de acuerdo a los gustos del turista, por ciudad, las mas conocidas son Montevideo, Colonia, Patrimonio Histórico de la Humanidad y el Balneario más importante Punta del Este, pero Uruguay tiene un Litoral hermoso con aguas termales, y desde Punta del Este hacia la frontera terrestre con Brasil playas hermosas donde se puede alquilar cabañas , hacer circuitos turísticos en la zona de Rocha o Eco turismo en el Centro del país. También hay estancias turísticas, se pueden organizar circuitos culturales, visitas a museos , sinagogas, iglesias, bodegas, existe muy buena gastronomía y en particular nuestro típico asado, todo esto es lo que yo intento ofrecer al interesado.
Te estoy esperando en Uruguay, seras bienvenido!!!!!!

Personal Profile

I am a psychologist, with specialization in Social Psychology, and
graduated from the Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay.
During the past five years, I have been working as Tourists Guide,
where I use my background to understand the human and cultural aspects
of the tourists I have been working with. Perhaps for that reason I
decided to plan my guided tours thinking of the particularities of
each tourist or group of tourists, organizing them by city. The more
known cities are Montevideo, Colonia (which is under UNESCO list of
World Cultural Heritage since December 6, 1995), and, the most
important, the city of Punta del Este. However, Uruguay has an
extremely beautiful Western coastline with Spring waters. And, from
Punta del Este to the Uruguay-Brazil border, beautiful beaches where
the tourist can rent cabins, take advantage of the different local
tours in the Rocha region, or Eco-tours in the interior of the
country. There also are "estancias turísticas" (touristic ranches),
cultural tours, visiting from museums to churches, sinagogues, and
wine houses. There is also an attractive gastronomic series of
options, particularly the Uruguayan asado. This is what I can offer as
a tourist guide to you.
I am waiting for you in Uruguay!! You are welcome here!!

To see photos:

Plaza Fuerte Hotel

Plaza Fuerte Hotel
In Old Town Neighbourhood, your best place to stay.....